Problems of consideration the specific features of religious educational organizations in legislative practice of Russian Federation

Journal articles, Norms and rules

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Gilmidinova T.V. , Problems of consideration the specific features of religious educational organizations in legislative practice of Russian Federation // Public Administration,
2019, №6 (122)
, с. 43-48.


аZaoksky Christian Institute of Humanities and Economics

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2019-21-6-43-48

The article analyzes the difficulties in law enforcement practice faced by spiritual educational organizations. The author emphasizes the need to finalize legislative acts in the field of organization and implementation of activities, accreditation and licensing of spiritual educational organizations. The activity of spiritual educational organizations is aimed at training specialists who solve narrow professional tasks. The richness of national cultures, the diversity of forms of religious life, and taking into account the centuries-old traditions of the country are not possible without the creation of educational courses that reflect the facets and problems of the development of a multicultural society. Spiritual organizations exist on a single moral platform, have common axiological foundations of activity, which makes it possible to achieve aggregate educational goals and at the same time makes it possible to focus on the unique characteristics of individual religious groups and confessions, and to carry out an open dialogue of beliefs and cultures. Religious education is aimed not only and not so much at getting students a certain profession in their chosen type of activity, but at introducing them to moral and cultural values, enriching the spiritual world of a person. Inclusion in the general list of programs provided for implementation by spiritual educational organizations will allow to take into account their specifics, will increase the range of tasks solved by them, will satisfy the existing requests for additional education.

religious education, spiritual educational organization, vocational training, educational activities, legal acts in the field of religious education, federal state educational standards, legislative practice

September 2, 2019

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