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DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2019-21-6-55-59
Today, in Russia there is no agreement on recognized theoretical and methodological approaches concerning the formation of shelf oil and gas resources development programs and the desirability of their development. The development of the Russian shelf can prepare a new hydrocarbon resource base, and also, according to the international experience (Norway, Brazil), become the driving force of the whole national economy, in other words, to ensure the growth of an entire chain of related industries due to the high multiplier effect. The choice of the strategy for developing oil and gas resources of the Russian shelf, which is necessary to accelerate economic growth, requires an in-depth analysis of government policy and practical experience of countries that have achieved significant success in the development of energy resources and have been able to use them as a foundation to increase the population’s prosperity and catalyst for innovative development. The article presents the author’s technique of a complex estimation of a portfolio of shelf oil and gas projects, the use of which by multi-criteria projects analysis provides an opportunity to form the shelf development program that focuses on obtaining the maximum effect on the national economy.
oil and gas industry, multi-criteria analysis, the Russian shelf development program, development strategy for the oil and gas industry
October 8, 2019
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