‘Delicious’ geopolitics

Foreign experience, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Ternovaya L.O., ‘Delicious’ geopolitics // Public Administration,
2019, №6 (122)
, с. 107-113.


аMoscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2019-21-6-107-113

This article continues a series of publications in the journal ‘Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba’, devoted to the problem of global food security and examining it from historical, cultural and geopolitical perspectives. This paper analyzes the history of the creation and distribution of candies, which not only help to create a joyful mood, cause positive emotions, but also serve as a means of communication. By connecting people from different countries and cultures, they convey information about their lives through a rich language of symbols, including taste and visual. Confectionery products are a constant attribute of any holiday – both personal and public. Candy has become an integral part of the diplomatic protocol. The breadth and variety of confectionery products allows them to be used as a carrier of educational information. Outstanding confectioners worked on the production of sweets, and well-known artists were attracted to the design of wrappers and boxes for these products, which increased the impact on the consumer. Confectionery products have become a powerful tool of political propaganda. According to them, as a valuable source of the history of everyday life, it is possible to judge social and political moods of society and ability of the government to catch these moods. Confectionery in a bizarre way bind countries and peoples, while they always perform several functions at once, including propaganda, which is especially in demand during periods of international crises.

geopolitics, food, diplomacy, the history of everyday life, national identity, pragmatonymy, naming

June 1, 2018

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