About the priority measures taken by the state authorities of Russia in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection

Actual, Journal articles

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Tsibikov V.A. , About the priority measures taken by the state authorities of Russia in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection // Public Administration,
2020, №2 (124)
, с. 42-47.


аUral State University of Economics

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-2-42-47

The article deals with the work of Russian state authorities during the period when a new coronavirus infection (SARSCoV-2, previously – 2019-nCoV) threatens to spread and enter the national territory. The algorithm of work and the practical measures taken to combat infection from the point of view of the requirements of the national security Strategy of the Russian Federation, as well as Federal and regional regulatory legal acts in terms of protection are analyzed. The issues of the formation of special temporary governing bodies, the goals and objectives of their activities, as well as the forms of work used: monitoring the situation, rulemaking, interagency cooperation, building up forces and means to combat the pandemic, using the information and technical base, informing the population, supporting certain sectors of the economy and certain categories of citizens are considered. Conclusions are drawn about the organized, complex and interdepartmental nature of the events, the need to improve legislation in terms of establishing legal liability for offenses under the quarantine regime, creating conditions to prevent unjustified price increases for certain types of goods, systematically informing the population and preventing the spread of false rumors, the need to support certain sectors of the economy and certain categories of citizens.

state authotiry, high-alert mode, interagency interaction, pandemic, coronavirus, preventive measures, economic support, social support

September 27, 2021

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