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аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-2-70-79
The influence of management tools on the development of the territorial investment climate is assessed ambiguously by scientists and experts, as evidenced by the literature review conducted in the article. Analysis of thematic works revealed a significant scatter of scientists’ opinions regarding the role of management in the development of the investment climate. The lack of methodological unity significantly complicates the possibility of a comprehensive valid assessment of managerial tools of the regional investment economy. Assuming the possibility of the influence of the managerial factor on the development of the business climate of the Russian regions, the article proposed and tested a comprehensive approach, including, in particular, a survey of investors, entrepreneurs and employees of regional project offices regarding the state of the investment climate management system in the regions. The study showed that the importance of the managerial factor in the regional investment policy of Russia is significant, but it manifests itself most explicitly during large-scale crises and turbulence of the economy. A growing degree of satisfaction with the state of the regional investment climate, as well as an increase in user complaints about the efficiency, speed and quality of functioning of the established management institutions were also revealed. A survey conducted by the author of the staff of the regional project offices made it possible to determine the difficulties of the performers in managing the development of the regional investment climate, namely: insufficiency of material and technical and technological support for the work of design offices; low competence of employees with their functional congestion; lack of involvement in the work of attracting investments of specialized organizations, municipal administrations; different level of regional digitalization.
regional investment climate, investment policy, tools to attract investments, management factor, efficiency of public administration
February 12, 2020
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