On the devaluation of expert opinion or why do we need a law about the basics of expert activity

Journal articles, Theory and practice of management

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Biktimirov M.R., Pilipenko O.V., Safonov M.S., On the devaluation of expert opinion or why do we need a law about the basics of expert activity // Public Administration,
2020, №3 (125)
, с. 19-24.


аAutonomous non-profit organization ‘Institute of digital transformation of education’


bCommittee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation


cRussian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-3-19-24

Taking practical responsible decisions in the field of social and industrial management in the context of rapid development of digital technologies in the era of the knowledge economy is impossible without reliance on expertise. A kind of organization of activities for the production of ‘predictions’ is required, when not only an accurate assessment of the impact of certain factors and their possible interactions with each other is given, but also as a result of creative construction of scenarios for the development of processes and events, an understanding comes which factors need to be taken into account. At the same time, the expertise constantly faces criticism, calling the conclusions of experts arbitrary, unreliable and subjective. Often, expertise is confused with monitoring, evaluation, diagnosis, inspection or counseling. The authors of the article carried out a structural analysis of the content of the expertise processes in the project management vector in the digitalization era and came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the expertise is significantly increased in case of clear regulation of this type of activity, providing the necessary status.

analytics, expertise, expert activity, expertology, digital technologies, strategy, legislation, law

May 17, 2020

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