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аCherepovets State University
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-3-48-54
The relevance of the study regarding the peculiarities of the attitude to danger of law enforcement officers is due to the need to create a complex of protection for law enforcement officials, which is an integral part of regulating public order and maintaining public safety, including preserving the identity of the employee himself. The author reveals the relationship between the degree of professional victimization and the level of sensitivity to threats among law enforcement officials. The peculiarities of the relationship between professional victimization and the attitude to danger of law enforcement officers with a tendency to risk and direction of aggression were studied: self-aggression and aggression towards people. Professional victimization is considered as a psychologically negative professional and personal formation, which creates the threat of accidents, injuries or death of an employee during actions in criminally dangerous and other critical situations. Victim mental states (anxiety, fear, stress) and victim qualities (high achievement motivation, exaggerated employee self-esteem, impulsiveness, arrogance, aggression) determine the structure of professional victimization, which creates a tendency to the unjustified risk. The practical application and use of knowledge in this field by psychologists of law enforcement agencies will prevent possible accidents among law enforcement officers.
professional victimization, safe person, attitude to danger, type of attitude to danger, sensitivity to dangers, risk
February 9, 2020
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