Certain issues of the formation of the administrative and legal status of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Journal articles, Norms and rules

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Lesnykh E.A., Certain issues of the formation of the administrative and legal status of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation // Public Administration,
2020, №3 (125)
, с. 70-76.


аInstitute of Economics, Management and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-3-70-76

The subject of this article is the administrative and legal status of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. A critical analysis of some provisions of the Federal law ‘On the Judicial Department’, which are not quite successful, in the author’s opinion, reveals a trend in the development of the legal status of the Department, which does not go beyond the narrowly utilitarian implementation of the functions of financial, material, technical and personnel support for real access to justice. Based on the analysis of scientific and practical literature, normative material, the author reveals a contradiction between the recognized in the literature some uncertainty of legal status, on the one hand, and adequate and effective work that corresponds to the tasks facing the Department, on the other. There are obvious contradictions and gaps in the legal regulation of the Department’s activities that require correction. Thus, the definition of the Department ‘under’ the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation puts it formally and legally, in terms of literal interpretation of the law, in direct administrative subordination. To ensure full independence of the Judicial Department as ‘non-systemic’ beyond the branches of government, public authority proposed to withdraw it from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in personnel matters with the appointment of the Head of Department by the decree of the President of Russia on representation of the Council of judges.

Judicial Department, administrative and legal status, judicial system, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, court support

September 27, 2021

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