Advantages, problems, and prospects of legal regulation of the digital economy in the Russian Federation

Journal articles, Law and life

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Ahmadzoda N.S. , Advantages, problems, and prospects of legal regulation of the digital economy in the Russian Federation // Public Administration,
2020, №5 (127)
, с. 41-44.


аState committee on investments and state property management of the Republic of Tajikistan

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-5-41-44

The article analyzes the problems and formulates proposals aimed at improving regulation and developing the digital economy. The problem of information security and privacy protection is especially acute when considering Big Data, which are the most important object links. Russian legislation specifies certain legal aspects for special processing of information with particular value. The national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” analyzed in the article covers all spheres of economic and social life, has a detailed roadmap, the implementation of which is provided until 2024, and involves scientifically based selection of resources, training professionals, developing talented youth, as well as increasing interest and improving the computer literacy of the population on the Internet. The article outlines public and private prospects for the implementation of the digital economy in all areas of production, economic activity, and the service sector. It was determined that it is necessary to standardize data processing, create adequate data storage facilities, ensure their uninterrupted operation, create conditions under which digital data cannot be lost, and also create tools for assessing the services provided. It was revealed that there is a shortage of both highly professional personnel and personnel providing education and training of specialists. Existing educational programs and standards need to be improved. The problems of introducing the digital economy are outlined. The author proposes a number of changes to the current legislation in order to improve the regulation of the development of the digital economy.

digital economy, information technology, digital control, ephemeral control, safe space for humanity, socio-economic systems, legal regulation, optimization

April 18, 2020

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