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аSiberian Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
bRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-5-62-66
The article studies the necessity and features of transformation of the educational system under conditions of accelerated development in the digital economy. Particular attention in the context of this transformation is given to significance and possibilities of digital literacy, which forms the whole complex of fundamentally new requirements for all participants in the education system. The authors argue that the current stage of development of the digital economy requires the education system not only to digitalize its individual elements and links, but to apply a fundamentally new integrated approach that would transform the education system while taking into account new goals, structure and content of the educational process. The authors define digital literacy as the ability to form and apply educational content through digital technologies. The article gives particular emphasis on the significance and potential of individualizing the educational trajectory and the concept of continuing education. The authors consider the main factors in the development and achievement of the level of digital literacy, considering the requirements that the digital economy is currently imposing on the educational system.
digital economy, digital literacy, digital competencies, digital educational environment
January 17, 2020
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