New conditions of competition in the European gas market

International relations, Journal articles

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Petrov P.I. , New conditions of competition in the European gas market // Public Administration,
2020, №5 (127)
, с. 84-92.


аEmbassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-5-84-92

This article aims to discuss the process of liberalization of the natural gas market in the European Union (EU). The purpose of this research is to show the fundamental characteristics of the gas industry, the process of reconstruction of the European gas market, taking into account the ongoing changes in the context of geopolitical, ecological, and technological determinants of the international and European energy and gas sector. The article describes the structure of the modern European natural gas market, compares the competitiveness of gas transportation methods through trunk pipelines and gas tankers transporting liquefied natural gas. The article examines the impact of the increase in the supply of liquefied natural gas on the situation with the turnover of gas trade in the European market, in particular, how it affects the delivery of hydrocarbons and the growth in the scale of exchange trading. The article examines the Groningen model, which influences the development of gas exchange trading and natural gas trading through long-term contracts. The evolution of the European policy in the field of natural gas, the established strictly regulated version of the “well-functioning” gas market, remains as one too political and unstable experiment. The importance of natural gas changes all the time, depending on economics, the security of deliveries, and sustainability. Furthermore, the focus on that importance and its practical application vary in different parts of Europe. The conclusion is made that a “well-functioning” gas market is characterized by the presence of a large number of suppliers, and competition leads to a noticeable decrease in prices for natural gas. However, in the current situation, the demand for gas turns out to be unstable, and difficult conditions for pipeline supplies are emerging for traditional suppliers. In the long term, the “wellfunctioning” gas market scheme will remain highly politicized and unstable, with increased competition in supply and a downward trend in gas prices. Thus, the European gas market is transforming towards the formation of a “buyer’s market”.

European Union, natural gas, gas market liberalization, LNG, competition in the gas market

March 2, 2020

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