The idea of a powerful state: I.A. Ilyin’s point of view

International relations, Journal articles

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Belov L.P. , The idea of a powerful state: I.A. Ilyin’s point of view // Public Administration,
2020, №5 (127)
, с. 93-97.


аLLC ‘Gelios’

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-5-93-97

The article considers the point of view of the Russian philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin concerning the idea of a strong state, reveals the specifics of his scientific work. The scientist showed that the formation of an effective nationhood is possible in the presence of such important conditions as a powerful spiritual potential of social and political life, a developed civil culture and democracy. I. A. Ilyin substantiated the postulate that a strong state is a decisive factor in the survival and successful renewal of society as a whole. The author correlates the philosopher’s theoretical positions on the nature and specifics of the national statehood with the actual tasks of the country’s development. The article emphasizes the importance of Ilyin’s conclusion that the spiritual and moral state of society and the need for the development of legal consciousness are the basis for the effective functioning of the Russian state. The importance of the concept of organic democracy, based on the unconditional right of the individual to his free development, is emphasized. The author of the article reveals the relationship of the provisions under consideration with the current political agenda, which focuses on the search and development of ways to improve the efficiency of the Russian state. Attention is focused on the fact that the modern conceptualization of a strong state is possible taking into account two main factors: the specifics of the historical experience of state-building in Russia and the leading trends of the modern stage of development of the country at the national and global levels. For I. Ilyin, one of the most important factors of a strong legal state is social justice. In such a position, the ideological and moral influence of the Slavophil ideas is clearly felt, the identity of which he emphasized.

historical tradition, democracy, a strong state, the effectiveness of public administration, globalization, social justice, public legal consciousness

April 24, 2019

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