On improving the procedure for appointing to the posts of the state civil service of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects

Good governance, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Pchelintsev S.V., Isaeva N.M. , On improving the procedure for appointing to the posts of the state civil service of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects // Public Administration,
2020, №6 (128)
, с. 6-18.


DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-6-6-18

The authors of the article analyze the principles of citizens’ access to state civil service and the procedure for filling positions in civil service in foreign countries. The authors indicate some aspects of foreign experience that could be introduced into Russian practice. Additionally, the article examines the features of the legal regulation of the procedure for filling civil service positions in the Russian Federation and proposes the introduction of greater variability in the methods of formation of the state bodies’ personnel. The problems of cooperation between the civil service and other types of service, as well as during the transition from one state body to another, are noted. The article mentions that, as a rule, the personnel services of state bodies do not have special training and tools for holding competitions on filling state civil service positions, and this implies the fact that the competitions themselves are not always effective. In this regard, it is proposed to consider the issue of conducting a competitive selection of citizens for admission to the civil service through a centralized approach.

civil service, procedure for appointment to civil service positions, competition for filling civil service positions, equal access of citizens to civil service

October 19, 2020

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