Assessment of changes in the stability of economic processes in the regions

Journal articles, Regional aspect

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Frajmovich D.Y., Gundorova M.A., Mishchenko Z.V. , Assessment of changes in the stability of economic processes in the regions // Public Administration,
2020, №6 (128)
, с. 28-36.


аVladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-6-28-36

In the article the relevance of the topic of using and improving the methodological base in order to obtain in advance the necessary indicators on the deterioration of the situation in the regions and the corresponding adjustment of processes in response to changes in the socio-economic situation is noted. The basic indicators are specific indicators of small business turnover and investments in fixed assets, as well as the degree of depreciation of fixed assets. Trend analysis is carried out according to several parameters, which allow to identify average results on key national economic processes within selected time intervals and change of level of interregional differentiation. In order to increase the objectivity of the conclusions, the stability values of specific indicators in different monetary courses have been compared. The diagnostic tools used are based on econometric methods and are supported by graphical interpretation of the data. The possible directions of application of the developed methodology for assessing the stress resistance of socio-economic systems are determined.

stress resistance, resilience, regions, reproduction, differentiation, indicators of the functioning of territories, small business turnover, investment, degree of depreciation of fixed assets

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