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аKaluga Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-6-37-45
The article is devoted to assessing the impact of the demographic structure of municipalities’ population on labor productivity in the economic sphere of the Kaluga region. The concentration of population and economic activity in some municipalities of the region causes an imbalance in development across the region. In this context, the assessment of the impact of demographic structure and employment on the level of labor productivity in municipal economies becomes relevant. The assessment of these conditions makes it possible to substantiate the priorities of the region spatial development policy, which ensures a balance of equalization and stimulation. This study aims to analyze the influence of the structure of demography and employment on labor productivity. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the methods of a cluster and structural (“shift – share”) analysis. The analysis made it possible to identify groups of municipalities in the region with different demographic indicators and to provide an assessment of the impact of the structure of demography and employment on labor productivity within these groups. We can see that the growth of labor productivity in these groups of municipalities is specific. It can be assumed that the “central-peripheral” model of the region’s development has both definite advantages and disadvantages. Peripheral territories are experiencing a deficit of human resources, and this requires finding a balance between stimulating and equalizing policies of the regions’ development. This model can be improved through the specific policy of the region associated with increasing income for workers engaged in the public sector and diversifying the economy.
demographic structure, structural changes, labor productivity, central-peripheral model, Kaluga region
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