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аResearch Institute of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-2-24-27
The author analyzes the problematic aspects of the prosecutor’s supervision over the observance of the labor rights of citizens involved in remote work and the temporary transfer of employees to remote work at the initiative of the employer in exceptional cases. During the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the legal regulation of teleworking is one of the most important aspects requiring special attention. In practice, remote work is connected with such difficulties as the discipline of workers. In the article, the author gives considerations regarding the workplace of a remote worker, highlights the rules for bringing an employee to disciplinary responsibility, and shows the means of regulating the labor discipline for teleworking employees. The author emphasizes that it is through the efforts of the employer that it is possible to increase the discipline of employees in remote work. The article describes the position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation regarding civil claims for reinstatement at work during the period of working remotely. Also, the author analyzes the state of legality in the field of labor relations. The article provides the author’s point of view concerning the application of labor legislation and the implementation of prosecutorial supervision in this field.
prosecutor, remote work, prosecutor’s supervision, employee, supervisory measures, employer, employment contract, local regulatory act, strengthening of law and order
March 19, 2021
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