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аFinancial University under the Government of Russian Federation
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-2-39-45
The level of transport infrastructure development directly affects the rate of economic growth. In 2018, in Russia, 67.1% of the total volume of transported goods were delivered by road transport. However, we cannot talk about the full realization of the road transportation system since 57.6% of public roads do not meet regulatory requirements. The available statistics indicate that, first of all, attention should be paid to the condition of the roads. The article analyzes the system for road maintenance in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, considers the main regulatory documents governing the activities of road work suppliers and executive authorities in the field of road maintenance. The article examines and analyzes the advanced foreign experience in the field of technologies for servicing roads in the winter. As the result of analysis, the authors propose introducing performance-based contracts into the field of the road sector. The creation of an economically feasible form of performance-based contracts can lead to a decrease in the cost of road maintenance by 10-40%.
road maintenance, performance-based contracts, state policy, anti-icing materials
December 16, 2019
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