Professional and educational goals of training civil servants

Journal articles, Personnel for the state

Recommended link to article:
Gorb V.G., Professional and educational goals of training civil servants // Public Administration,
2021, №2 (130)
, с. 55-62.


аUral Institute of Management -– Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-2-55-62

The article presents a system-activity approach to implementing the new federal state educational standard of higher education in the training direction 03.38.04 “State and Municipal Administration”. The article substantiates the methodology for designing a model of activities for public servants as the basis for determining professional goals of the educational process at a university. The author defines and differentiates the types of their activities according to the functional characteristics of various categories of civil servants. Professional goals are achieved through the development of professional competence of students, which implies the setting of the following educational goals: developing the student’s leadership potential; developing the citizenship as the ability to realize the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of the country; forming and developing meta subject skills, which are the signs of a civil servant’s professional qualities; mastering management technologies in a certain area of activity. The work presents the experience of approbation of the system-activity approach in the process of teaching. A special role is assigned by the author of information and communication activities of civil servants in the process of exercising their powers.

federal state educational standard of higher education, model of professional activity of a civil servant, educational process, professional training of civil servants, development of meta subject skills, system-activity approach

April 15, 2021

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