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аFinancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-3-20-23
The article discusses the methodology of coaching as management style and technology for professional development of civil service personnel in executive bodies. The author mentions the problem of developing the employee’s potential, self-realization in the process of training as well as improving personal and professional efficiency. In this study, special attention is paid to improving the effectiveness of human potential. Currently, personnel management and its professional development should be considered as an inseparable process, since it has largely exhausted its resources and does not give the necessary effect. Traditional training does not ensure that personnel receive appropriate competencies that are in demand at the increasing pace of economic development and other spheres of modern life. Today, personnel management is still carried out through the distribution of powers and responsibilities, setting tasks and passing instructions, stimulating and motivating, encouraging and punishing, but at the head of this process should be a concern for creating conditions and atmosphere for realizing person’s natural ability to learn and think independently, that is, a strategy for managing professional development.
civil service, personnel, coaching, management style, professional development technologies
June 20, 2021
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