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аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-3-59-64
The global problem of corruption needs an integrative understanding from psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, and cultural approaches. Corruption threatens national and global security, leads to the degradation of humanistic, moral values, and significantly reduces the level of social capital and the effectiveness of governance in a wide range of areas. The article considers the origins of corruption and its motivating factors based on ideas concerning the nature of man, the human psyche, based on an analysis of the relationship between the conscious and unconscious levels of consciousness and subconscious, instinctive impulses. The author discusses the possibility of preventing corruption in an ecosystem approach to civil service, which would allow a holistic presentation of internal and external factors that determine the essence of the civil service, the prerequisites, and conditions for its harmonization with the social environment. By understanding civil servants’ behavior, internal motives, and external incentives, it is possible to define a public service ecosystem that will ensure a symbiosis between the civil service, society, and the State. The creation of such an ecosystem can contribute to the qualitative improvement of public administration.
public administration, state civil service, corruption, human nature, conscious and unconscious levels of the psyche, an ecosystem of public service
June 24, 2021
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