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аAdministration of the Lipetsk region
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-4-29-35
The legal aspects of implementating personnel policy are an integral part of the successful work for the regional administration. The article examines the legal mechanisms used by the state civil service of the Lipetsk region administration, aimed at forming a model of qualification requirements to fill positions in civil service and developing the system for material and non-material motivation, increasing efficiency in state-service relations. Currently, to reform and improve the effectiveness of the state civil service, we need to create a flexible system of incentives for employees; since the effectiveness of their activities largely depends on their personal interest in the performance of official duties at a high level. The Lipetsk region administration monitors the regulatory legal framework on civil service in real-time. This method of quality control contributes to the improvement of personnel policy, standardization of personnel processes, and their uniform application in all governmental bodies of the region.
personnel policy, state civil service, regulatory legal framework, qualification requirements, job regulations, additional education, non-material motivation
October 12, 2020
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