Optimizing monetary compensation and social guarantees for civil servants

Journal articles, Serving the state

Recommended link to article:
Pchelintsev S.V., Isaeva N.M. , Optimizing monetary compensation and social guarantees for civil servants // Public Administration,
2021, №5 (133)
, с. 6-25.


DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-5-6-25

The article analyzes the proposals of the draft law of the Government of the Russian Federation aimed at optimizing the structure of monetary compensation and social guarantees for civil servants. This law should embody the provisions and the main directions for the development of the civil service designated by the Presidential Decree. The authors consider the range of grounds influencing the formation and optimization of the amount of monetary compensation for civil servants, as well as some other circumstances such as, for example, the specifics of civil service. The authors cite an extensive foreign practice of determining the monetary compensation for civil servants and believe that some of them can be applied in Russian practice as well. It is noted that well-organized social support for civil servants increases the number of highly professional managers who can effectively pursue state policy and increase the prestige of the civil service.

draft law, state civil servants, monetary compensation, social guarantees, salary

September 27, 2021

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