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аNovgorod branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-5-92-98
The founder of humanistic psychology A. Maslow claimed: those who have only a hammer as a tool are inclined to consider the problem as a naill. Is it possible to learn to see in subordinates not nails, but individuals of joint labor activity? What effective management methods are able to identify the true cause and hidden motives of the employee, influence them and get him to voluntarily accept the actions expected and necessary for the manager? The answer to these questions is the purpose of the described study. In management, the Japanese ”Five Why” method is widespread, which, according to the authors, is not productive enough. Having abandoned the formal-logical and relying on the causal-genetic method of research, the technology of adaptive learning in the zone of proximal development, the authors propose another, domestic approach, which has proven its greater efficiency. The article describes the technology of working with it in practice and its advantages. When using the «keyword» technology, the movement towards the result is purposeful. Within the framework of the individual logical trajectory it affects the reasoning of the employee, not the manager. With these questions, the manager constantly assesses and leads the subordinate into an individual zone of proximal development, and the discussion is held within it (that is, the developing effect of the employee’s reflections is ensured). Reliance on the keywords of the respondent ensures that there are no obstacles in the construction of inferences. If in the end there are obstacles, they are quickly leveled by relying on the next keyword of the respondent.
personnel Management, transactional analysis, method of ”key word”, method ”of five why”, causal genetic approach, adaptive learning in the zone of the nearest development
October 2, 2021
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