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а“Transneft”, PJSC
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-6-23-29
The article discusses the global institutional processes in the field of energy in countries that determined the priorities of its state regulation, the specifics of the structural shift in favor of renewable and non-renewable sources, as well as non-energy aspects of their application on the example of microgeneration. The absolute majority of modern states are incorporating elements of renewable energy development into their national strategies, and more than half of them, including the Russian Federation, has set the goal of creating a carbon-neutral economy. The concept of a carbon-neutral economy is inextricably linked to the idea of the mass use of renewable energy sources. The main drivers for promoting renewable sources are the largest importers of hydrocarbon resources, such as the European Union, the United States, and China. However, the term carbon neutrality does not mean the absence of traditional energy sources such as oil, gas, and coal. The annual investment in this area is over a quarter of a trillion dollars, which indicates the demand for this sector of the energy and economy, supported by the renewable energy’s reputation as an instrument of positive impact on the three central tenets of sustainable development (economy, social sphere, and environment).
carbon neutrality, sustainable development, government regulation, renewable energy sources, competitive advantages, prosumer
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