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аUral Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-6-68-74
The article considers the specifics of professional socialization for civil servants in the new conditions of public administration. The authors note that the introduction of the new conditions of professional activity is accompanied by several problems: the duration of this process, the limited influence of vocational education on this process, as well as the uncertainty of the content of the necessary digital competencies, including the prospects for future development. Today, for a modern public servant, the term “transfessionalism” refers to the formation of diverse competencies from different professional areas. The materials of the study show the existing contradiction between the competencies that are required for successful professional activity in a digital economy and the established qualification requirements for civil servants, as well as the opinion of civil servants concerning the necessary qualities and capabilities. This dichotomy can be considered a serious obstacle to the successful professionalization of civil servants.
public administration, public servant, state civil servant, professionalization, digitalization, professional socialization, digital management technologies, digital competencies
December 14, 2021
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