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аMoscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-3-93-118
The article examines the formation of the statehood in independent Georgia. The authors study the history of the formation of the Georgian state over the past 30 years, noting both objective factors that hinder rapid economic development and recovery, as well as the obvious mistakes of the country’s authorities. One of the most crucial Georgia’s problems is still the demographic problem, the economic recession after the collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the deepest, the geographical conditions of the country force the government to invest much to infrastructure, and in the field of foreign trade, Georgia has a significant negative balance. Despite the listed difficulties, after the 2008–2009 crisis, the country showed positive economic dynamics and recovery rates. The authors emphasize that the quality of public administration in Georgia is much better than in many other post-Soviet countries; they associate this with the ongoing reforms and close cooperation with the European Union. After 2012, a special work was carried out to create a system of professional and politically neutral civil service together with a reform to reorganize local self-government, which allowed the citizens of the country to have greater influence over local government policies. The authors conclude that the progress in the field of state institutions, against the background of unfavorable economic conditions, deserves a particular study.
Georgia, statehood, economy, the system of state and municipal administration, state and municipal service, administrative reform
November 9, 2020
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