Improving the model of sociological support for the Municipal Public Chamber

Journal articles, Society

Recommended link to article:
Plotnikova M.A. , Improving the model of sociological support for the Municipal Public Chamber // Public Administration,
2022, №4 (138)
, с. 65-69.


аAdministration of the Krasnoturinsk urban district

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-4-65-69

The article considers the issue of including the activities of the Municipal Public Chamber in the target model aimed at involving the social and territorial community in the implementation of urban environment projects. The study obtained the final institutional functions for forming the public opinion – introducing the Public Chamber into the target model for involvement of the social and territorial community, business for urban environment projects, and adaptive understanding and usage in the new recommended formats. The current situation in monotowns of the Ural Federal District suggested the need to develop and implement a strategy of sociological support for the work of public chambers in municipalities. After designing such a model, the choice to conduct the experiment (testing sociological support) fell on the city of Krasnoturyinsk because of its diversified development. In 2020, the Municipal Public Chamber’s activities were incorporated into the target model for engaging citizens into discussions about projects aimed at comfortable urban environment in the city. The goal of the study is to develop and substantiate a better model of sociological support for the Public Chamber’s activities to form public opinion in the municipal territory. This will significantly simplify the procedures for discussing upcoming projects, as well as other issues of supporting the municipality by representatives of the social and territorial community.

Municipal Public Chamber, public opinion, interaction between government and citizens, local authorities, target model, citizen engagement formats

February 15, 2022

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