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аLegal Services Commission for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-4-97-102
Despite the world’s unprecedented changes in the last century and the global pandemic, cooperation in education within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) remains of strategic importance. The establishment of the Association of Law Universities of SCO (hereinafter, the Association) promotes the formation of a community with unified destiny within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It will ensure the rule of law for regional economic cooperation and create an international team of legal professionals. The following three principles should be observed in further development of the Association: university-led multilateral cooperation; joint discussion and co-building, pragmatic business cooperation; focus on education, mutual benefit, and reciprocity. At the same time, it is necessary to use several specific mechanisms, including joint training, multi-subject participation, joint research, publication of academic results, implementing the Association’s activities, servicing the regional development strategy, and promoting the research on legal education within the framework of the SCO.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Association of Law Universities, legal cooperation, educational exchange, regional cooperation
August 2, 2022
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