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аAcademy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-6-12-19
Studying the evolution of public administration models and comparing different theories allows us to build a holistic and integrated management strategy. The article analyzes the evolution of public administration models: Public Administration, New Public Management, and Good Governance. These models appeared in the course of administrative reforms in many countries, and we studied the classification of their goals. Due to the increasing complexity of the system of administration, efficiency and effectiveness, as the main factor of development, become the main components of modern strategic management theories: in determining the development strategy, in the implementation of tasks of social progress, and the evaluation of public administration systems. According to a variety of researchers, effective governance contributes to determining the political and economic power of states on the world stage. In the context of dynamic development, the competitiveness of states is of particular relevance. According to experts, competition is one of the main driving forces for the development of society and the primary instrument for the efficient functioning of the public sector. In this context, it seems appropriate to apply new approaches in solving and reconsidering the issues of assessing the effectiveness of public authorities at all levels of governance, which will undoubtedly serve as an essential condition in achieving the goals set.
good governance, governance theory, public administration effectiveness, civil society, socio-economic development, governance indicators
November 9, 2022
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