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аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-4-27-36
The article proposes a methodology for assessing the innovative activity of a company, one of the areas of values of state corporations: «Innovation, innovative development, the ability to upgrade». To evaluate the effectiveness, the principle of decomposition of a global goal was used with its replacement for individual specific tasks according to the designated functional subsystems and objects (blocks) of assessment, which together give a generalized description of technological, technical innovations, their development and use, implementation of the latest digital information technologies, results intellectual research, the development of new business processes, management methods, organizational forms in business practice, as well as ability to sustainable renovation, improvement and prospects for innovative growth of the company and its sustainable renewal.The scoring methodology using the developed criteria boundaries of efficiency from ambitious to low efficiency and with assignment of significance scales by expert means involves the inclusion in each assessment block of six to fifteen traditional and composite author’s indicators, the complexity of which is determined by the complexity of the subject of the study and the described process. The methodology is universal in nature, can be used for large corporations and small companies according to a reduced set of indicators, it can be used in determining ratings.
innovation, innovative development, efficiency, ability to update, innovation activity, results of innovation, methods of scoring
August 12, 2020
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