• About the Journal

    Public Administration is a registered periodical. It publishes research into public administration from a historical perspective to enrich and inform the ongoing practices of public administration officials, the business community, and non-profit organizations. In keeping with these aims, practical as well as theoretical examinations of social and political policy continue to be a primary focus.

    Chief Editor

    Russia is a beautiful, great, intelligent, and powerful country; therefore, it should be administrated and managed by intelligent, beautiful, and strong people. We perceive Public Administration as an environment for communicative interaction of these people. The journal is not only and not so much about public administration itself as it is about the quality of public administration—its capacity to transform economies, law, politics, and society itself. Many difficulties surround the resolution of challenges. The vision of Public Administration is to enhance the confidence with which people can meet these challenges.

    Author's imageIgor N. BartsitsChief editor, Director of the RANEPA Institute of Public Administration and Management, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Russian Federation, Director of MPA Program.
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