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аRussian State Social University
bMoscow Witte University
cAltai State University
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-1-86-92
Analyzing the issues of state regulation of tourism and tourism policy, the authors include a review of studies conducted by foreign and Russian authors, with the subsequent allocation of specific features. With a systematic approach, tourism is perceived as a socio-economic system that operates under the influence of external and internal conditions. External factors are conditioned and systemized connections and relations with other spheres of politics as well as their interactions with tourism policy. In the management system, in order to maintain balance between state administration and market relations, indicators of socio-economic efficiency are of great importance. Particular attention is paid to social efficiency and environmental sustainability, which allows this study to consider regional tourism formations. With the use of the expert evaluation method, the state regulation and support measures for tourism at the present stage are investigated. For further growth, it is necessary to consider the forecast of probable trends and patterns of development in this field, Russian conditions, and regional characteristics, as well as the mutual influence and interaction of state policy and tourism.
tourism policy, socio-economic indicators, state regulation, management efficiency, the expert evaluation method
December 7, 2021
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