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аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2019-21-5-44-48
The aim of the article is to search for additional resources that have an effect on the implementation of national projects in the field of improving the quality of Russian people’s life. As one of them, the authors consider the information and educational potential of social advertising. It can influence the formation of public opinion, the perception by citizens of the problems and values reflected in federal strategic planning documents. The federal law of the Russian Federation № 38 – FL of 13 March 2006 ‘On advertising’ refers to social advertising aimed at ensuring the interests of the state. However, the absence of a definition of this concept in the law has led to the fact that in practice this type of advertising is presented mainly in the form of information about individual state institutions and some aspects of their activities. The paper gives a generalized description of the concept of ‘state interests’, which allows considering federal programs of national projects as instruments for the implementation of these interests in practice. The authors substantiate the proposal to amend the Federal law of the Russian Federation № 38 – FL of 13 March 2006 ‘On advertising’ in the form of clarification of the definition of ‘social advertising aimed at ensuring the interests of the state’.
state interests, national projects, social advertising, information and educational potential of social advertising, formation of public opinion, strategic planning documents, quality of life
September 30. 2019
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