Biographical predictors of individual psychological characteristics included in the ‘Big Five’ of personal qualities

Journal articles, Personnel policy

Recommended link to article:
Sinyagin Y.V., Sinyagina N.Y., Biographical predictors of individual psychological characteristics included in the ‘Big Five’ of personal qualities // Public Administration,
2020, №3 (125)
, с. 31-47.


аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-3-31-47

The article analyzes the role of biographical predictors of individual psychological characteristics that are included in the ‘Big Five’ of personal qualities. The analysis of the relationship of answers to psychobiographical questions included in the questionnaire of management potential (Y.V. Sinyagin, 2014) with the results of the ‘Big Five’ model is presented. The necessity of studying personality traits conducive to successful activities is substantiated. On the basis of empirical research, predictors of managerial success are characterized. Arguments are given for including data containing biographical information in methods of psychological analysis of a person. The authors show that the obtained empirical data can find their practical application in several areas. First of all, it is their direct use during interviews and interviews with leaders.

biographical predictors, ‘Big Five’ individual psychological characteristics of a person, personal qualities, civil servants, leaders

May 23, 2020

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