Methodology for analyzing PR activities of public authorities

Journal articles, Technologies for management

Recommended link to article:
Dambueva V.Yu. , Methodology for analyzing PR activities of public authorities // Public Administration,
2021, №3 (131)
, с. 33-38.


аIvanovo Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-3-33-38

The article analyses various approaches to assessing the PR activities of commercial organizations and public authorities. The author concludes that there is no comprehensive methodology for analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities. This indicates the relevance and the need to develop a special methodology to identify relevant and potential sources for the formation and development of a complex image and reputation characteristics of public authorities with which citizens of the Russian Federation could operate. The basis of the proposed theory is the materials of works on communication by G. Lasswell (model of mass communication, pentad). The method is a system of evaluation parameters, performance indicators, and analytical tools for each structural component of such activities, as well as an algorithm for their analysis and evaluation. When developing this methodology, we try to take into account the maximum number of criteria and performance indicators, but in practice, it is not always possible. To increase the effectiveness of the methodology, the author conducts the structuring of the pentad, which allows to distinguish the main processes of PR activity of a public authority. The assessment of each component of the pentad is a separate study in which we can identify the relevant PR activity processes that require adjustment.

public authorities, the effectiveness of PR activities, conducting a PR campaign, estimated parameters and an algorithm for analyzing PR activities, analytical tools for PR activities, quantitative and qualitative indicators

June 23, 2021

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