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Elena V. Ponomarenkoа
аPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Denis I. Drozhzhinb
bRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-1-96-105
The article compares the experience of implementing innovative systems based on technology transfer system in the Russian Federation and the French Republic through assessing macro- and mesofactors of their implementation. Research works, analytical reports, and expert opinions of Russian and foreign scientists, the best international practices of innovation, with the highlighting of strengths and weaknesses, served as the study’s theoretical basis. The authors used an interdisciplinary approach of institutional economic theory, combining legal, financial, sociological, and historical research methods and comparative country analysis to fulfill the research goals. Comparative analysis and proposals to improve the mechanisms and practices of innovation implementation in the Russian Federation based on updating the system of qualified intermediary structures may enhance the quality of innovative socio-economic research projects, programs, and services, the growth of innovation potential of Russia, strengthening its technological sovereignty. The article continues a series of studies on this topic published by the “Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba” journal in 2019–2021.
innovations, technology transfer systems, scientific and technological cooperation, startup funding, innovative research, competitiveness
Janury 23, 2023
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