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Viktor A. Losа
аAll-Russian Public Organization “Russian Ecological Academy”
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-1-86-95
In the article, the author seeks to identify the major trends in the works of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, which significantly influences the development dynamics for the modern scientific knowledge. The “explosion” is viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon that marks the pace and scale for developing the “science-technology-society” system. The author focuses on integrative processes in scientific knowledge, combined with its deepening differentiation and acquiring a global character. The biosphere theory is seen as the social and natural basis for the positive functioning of all life, including man and humanity. The processes of biospherization of scientific knowledge are analyzed in the context of removing the acuteness of socio-ecological contradictions in developing the “man-biosphere-civilization” system. The “driver” of the dynamics of science became physicalism when the discovery of the microworld (X-rays, the radioactivity of uranium, and the electron) made it possible to transform the traditional scientific picture of the universe. Moreover, new conceptual constructs (relativity theory and quantum mechanics) that have emerged within physical knowledge are influencing the entire system of modern science, from astronomy to the human phenomenon. The principle of “scientist’s responsibility” for the results and consequences of scientific activity, as well as the autotrophic-noosphere concept as a prerequisite for the strategy of sustainable development, becomes the basis for the constructive entry of the global society into the foreseeable future.
“explosion of scientific creativity”, problematic integration of science, theory of the biosphere, biospherology, responsibility of a scientist, autotrophy of humanity, noospheric future of the global society
January 9, 2023
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