Fundamentals of the constitutional system of Russia as the basis, the highest imperative for legal activities of local self-governments

Journal articles, Norms and rules

Recommended link to article:
Boev A.A., Fundamentals of the constitutional system of Russia as the basis, the highest imperative for legal activities of local self-governments // Public Administration,
2022, №1 (135)
, с. 46-51.


аGolovinsky inter-district prosecutor of Moscow, applicant

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-1-46-51

The article discusses the mechanism for ensuring and supervising the legitimacy of local self-government activities. The legitimacy of municipalities is associated with strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the basis of which is the foundation for the constitutional system of Russia. Using the method of deduction and induction, the author delimits and demarcates the framework of legal legitimacy for the functioning of municipal authorities, fixes the markers of the formula of law enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”: “The rule of law, unity, and strengthening of the rule of law”, as well as the formula of law stated by Yu.A. Tikhomirov: “Goal – regulators – actions – results”. The author argues that the current norms and provisions of the first Chapter of the Russian Constitution cannot be considered as sole objectives or declarative norms governing the organization and functioning of local selfgovernment. The article interprets the legal legitimacy of the local government activities as an activity within the constitutional and legal fields. The author examines the main legal problems in the activities of local governments. The materials of the article reveal the essence of such formulas of law as: “The rule of law, the unity, and strengthening of the rule of law” and “Goal – regulators – actions – results” as mechanisms for legal defectology.

local self-government bodies, foundations of the constitutional system, formula of law, legal legitimacy, supervision

November 30, 2021

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