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аInstitute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-6-91-114
The article describes the formation of the Ukrainian statehood. The Ukrainian state emerged and took its shape and characteristics hard and for a long time, over several centuries. In a sense, this process has not yet been completed here. The economic situation continues to be one of the problem areas in the country, which can be explained by political factors, the spontaneously formed structure of the national economy, and shortcomings in its management. These components neutralized the relatively favorable starting conditions for Ukraine, which gained independence, the tendency for raw materials orientation and deindustrialization is consolidating in the economy, the share of the agricultural sector in GDP and exports largely replaces products with high added value. With the acquisition of state sovereignty, Ukraine had to fill it with real legal content: to create a new system of public administration and civil service and to establish their interaction with society, which was in the process of deep internal transformation. The third republic dates back to 1991 with the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence; the country implements the system of public administration and civil service following international principles and in the interests of the country’s citizens. Although the organization of state administration does not differ from the generally accepted ones, and the civil service ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of the state, the author notes the incompleteness of the state-building process in Ukraine, pointing out that the principles and forms of government are outdated and inconsistently implemented. As a result of the study, the author concludes that it is necessary to search for a sustainable model of statehood development, which is not only responsible for the modernization of the country but also takes into account its peculiarities.
Ukraine, state-building, constitution, the institution of the presidency, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, civil service, the third republic
May 21, 2020
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