Evaluating the effectiveness of the security system in state-owned companies using value-based management approach

Economics and life, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Tolpegina O.A., Zavitaeva E.A., Evaluating the effectiveness of the security system in state-owned companies using value-based management approach // Public Administration,
2022, №3 (137)
, с. 48-58.


аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-3-48-58

The article considers a methodology which allows us to obtain the final assessment of the efficiency level and the dynamics of changes in the parameters that characterize the efficiency of the safety system functioning (value direction outlined in the development paradigm of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, Russian state holding uniting more than 360 enterprises of the nuclear industry, which directly initiated the creation of the methodology). The study uses the decomposition principle of the global goal with its division into separate specific tasks. The study and evaluation of the effectiveness of the safety systems, efficiency of industrial, environmental safety, labor protection, and the capability for its sustainable development are carried out by functional subsystems and objects of evaluation using traditional and integral indicators. Evaluation methodology using particular criterial boundaries of effectiveness from ambitious to low effectiveness, as well as with the assignment of parameters of significance involves the inclusion in each evaluation unit both traditional and integral authors’ indicators when the complexity is determined by the research subject and the described process in its formation and development. This methodology allows us to obtain a final assessment of the effectiveness level and dynamics of change in the value area “The efficiency of the security system”. The versatility of this methodology allows it to be used for both large corporations and small enterprises on a reduced set of indicators.

performance evaluation, industrial safety, economic safety, environmental safety, occupational safety, values and objectives, management methodology, state corporations, hazardous industries

October 8, 2021

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