Applying business technologies in human resource management of the authorities in the Lipetsk region

Journal articles, Personnel technologies

Recommended link to article:
Goncharova E.A., Vlasova S.A., Applying business technologies in human resource management of the authorities in the Lipetsk region // Public Administration,
2022, №5 (139)
, с. 36-42.


аGovernment of the Lipetsk region

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-5-36-42

Times of crisis have always required particular approaches to human resource management in all governing bodies, especially in the «managerial» category. Nowadays, it is crucial to understand whether a particular person can cope with new, more complicated tasks, possesses the competencies needed at the moment, and knows how to adapt to the demands of the times. The application of traditional methods to assess managerial personnel is becoming less relevant, while tests in situations as close to realities and potential challenges as possible are in demand. Personnel management technologies allowing to obtain reliable information were developed, tested, and successfully used in both foreign and Russian business structures. The Department of Civil Service and Personnel Management of the Lipetsk region administration has adapted some of the HR technologies from the business sphere to the specifics of the civil service. For example, the authorities combined the annual personnel commission, the institute of successors, and the assessment center evaluation into a single comprehensive evaluation system. The article describes the procedure for implementing a comprehensive evaluation, presents its advantages, and provides data on the practical results of its systematic use in human resource management in the region. The proposed methodology can be helpful to public authorities in assessing personnel in the civil service.

public administration, civil servants, personnel commission, assessment center, assessment of personnel competence, methods for assessing effectiveness, business technologies, HR technologies

April 6, 2022

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