Candidate pool in public institutions: problems of efficient use

Journal articles, Personnel technologies

Recommended link to article:
Pugacheva N.V., Candidate pool in public institutions: problems of efficient use // Public Administration,
2022, №3 (137)
, с. 71-76.


аNorth-Western branch of the Russian State University of Justice

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-3-71-76

The article analyzes the current legal regulation of relations regarding forming and using candidate pool in public institutions to fill civil service positions. The author finds that, in general, the rules and norms aimed at selecting candidates (both civil servants and citizens) for including in the personnel reserve are consistent and ensure the goal – selecting the most qualified employees with appropriate professional and personal qualities for the civil service applicants. At the same time, the legislator’s requirement for the effective use of the personnel reserve potential remains merely a suggestion. The current approach, which provides the employer with an independent choice of how to fill a vacant position, the appointment of a person from the candidate pool, or the announcement of a competition to fill a vacancy, does not provide full disclosure for the possibilities of this personnel policy instrument in public institutions. The author proposes measures to improve the quality of selection mechanism for the candidate pool and placement of personnel in a public institution. These include: selecting candidates from the candidate pool when there is a vacant position in a public institution; holding a competitive procedure to select candidates from the candidate pool if there are several suitable applicants for a vacant position; at least once a year, reviewing the candidate pool and holding a competition for including new applicants to ensure that citizens have equal access to public service and that civil servants have the right to promotion.

candidate pool, personnel policy, competition for inclusion in the candidate pool, efficiency of the candidate pool, vacant civil service position

April 15, 2022

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