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аAll-Russia People’s Front in the Bryansk region
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-5-29-35
The use of sociological and statistical monitoring as an effective research strategy is of high significance in the management of health care and in the development of managerial decisions aimed at addressing the region’s health care issues. The adaptability of sociological and statistical monitoring is directly connected with resolving the research tasks applied in the documents of strategic planning in the public health sphere. The study reveals the reasons hindering the development of the health care system in the Bryansk region, among which are the presence of settlements without medical infrastructure and staff turnover. These issues force patients to use medical institutions in other regions and financial withdrawal from the region. The author recommends analyzing the effectiveness of health care system management in the Bryansk region regarding the essence of regional programs and projects and the presence of motivational factors elected by respondents when answering the questionnaires. Medical workers can either support or reject decisions made by the administration, which, in turn, directly affects the number of medical personnel in the Bryansk region. Sociological and statistical data received in the monitoring program can become the basis for developing a universal model of the health care system, considering the regional characteristics.
health care system, sociological and statistical monitoring, «Health» national project, regional projects
July 11, 2022
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