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Ekaterina V. Avdeevaа
аCentre of Expertise on Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts
bAll-Russian Public Organization «Delovaya Rossiya»
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-2-46-51
The article presents the results of a complex scientific study of the historical background regarding the formation of the situation related to protecting the rights of the entrepreneurial activity subjects. The author systematizes knowledge about forms of economic activity that have damaged the development of the positive image of entrepreneurs. Some forms of economic activity that were common in the 1990s, such as pyramid schemes, have done considerable damage to the positive image of the entrepreneur. In the post-Soviet period, regulations from the Soviet era that did not comply with the changed market economy continued to be in force. Insufficient legal literacy has led to a systemic problem of violation of the rights of business entities. A qualitative change in the existing system of social relations is impossible without an open dialogue between law enforcers and the business community, with the participation of the academic community. The Centre of Expertise for Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts of the all-Russian public organization «Delovaya Rossiya» is actively discussing measures aimed at the comprehensive protection of the rights of business entities. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is also dedicated to consolidating efforts to improve the business environment and maintaining a balance between public, government, and business interests.
subject of entrepreneurial activity, protection of the rights of an entrepreneur, balance of interests of business and government
February 22, 2023
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