The Future: synthesis of analysis

Human capital, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Letunovsky V.V. , The Future: synthesis of analysis // Public Administration,
2021, №1 (129)
, с. 70-78.


аDirectorate of the President of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-1-70-78

The article was prepared based on the materials of the meetings of the Sretensky club. The author uses the spheral approach as a theoretical and methodological basis for the article. The author offers his views on the prospects for human development, the evolution of the economy, and social relations. It is noted that at present, in the digital era, the development of society represents the transition of humanity to a qualitatively new formation, which, in turn, requires an active transformation of the goal-setting, taking into account the majority of opinions. The possibilities of digitalization confront humanity with a moral choice: the emergence of a “digital concentration camp” or digital social justice and the harmonious development of social relations when the idea of a fair society in its many forms will become decisive. The author believes that the goals for the development of all humanity should be of higher priority to any regional, state, group, or personal ambitions. It is required to ensure the social well-being and prosperity of all people, regardless of their race, nationality, confession, gender, age, and social status; also, the formation of a planetary civilization should take place when everyone is valuable and in demand for the creation of a long and happy life in harmony with nature and the universe. According to the author, a major anthropological transition should cause cardinal changes in all spheres of life, and the measure of these changes will be a person and his wellness. The economy should become “smart”, and the necessary governance will emerge over time; health care will be able to guarantee people decent health protection and strengthening of immunity; humanitarian and moral education will serve to foster dedication and responsibility, and science will become a powerful way of creative self-expression; the cultural preferences of people will also change. The author notes the special place for Russian people in the formation of a new stage for all humanity: the wisdom of Russian people historically and genetically embodies individual passionarity and patriotism not contradicting with the all-human principle.

future, humanity, world order, planetarism, communications, culture, education, human development, fair society

February 1, 2021

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