The concept of the digital state: definition, nature, structure, and ontology

Digital era, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Ponkin I.V. , The concept of the digital state: definition, nature, structure, and ontology // Public Administration,
2021, №5 (133)
, с. 47-52.


аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2021-23-5-47-52

The article studies the phenomenon and concept of the digital state. The author reveals the general concept and importance of digitalization in public administration. The article explains the problems of relevant interpretation and the limits of applicability of the concept to the system of public administration. The author considers methods, approaches, and prospects for improving the efficiency of public administration in the context of the digitalization of society and puts forward his concept for the term “digital government”. Using methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction and abduction, classification, and formalization, the work reveals the essential descriptive characteristics of the phenomenon and concept of the digital state. After the data analysis, it is proposed to consider the concept of digital state in four interpretative definitions: as an ecosystem of multiservice and proactive state digital services; as an integrated computer and software meta-platform; as an organizational and technological approach and corresponding paradigm; and as a digital ontology of state-building and functioning, public administration and public policy. According to the author’s interpretation, the concept of the “digital state” includes: “digital government”, “digital democracy”, “digital justice”, “digital electoral technologies”, “digital public control of public administration”.

digital state, digitization in public administration, general theory of public administration, digital government, digital law

October 8, 2021

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