Quality and efficiency of the activities of public authorities: theoretical and methodological aspects

Good governance, Journal articles

Recommended link to article:
Gorb V.G., Quality and efficiency of the activities of public authorities: theoretical and methodological aspects // Public Administration,
2022, №4 (138)
, с. 13-22.


аUral Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-4-13-22

The article considers theoretical approaches to the performance, quality, and effectiveness of public executive bodies, as well as factors for improving the quality of the public executive bodies in achieving strategic goals. The study revealed the problem of insufficient theoretical validity for the proposed concepts to assess the quality and performance of public administration. The author tested the methodology of design and actualization for organizational and educational systems. Under this methodology, the public administration body is considered an organizational management system. The author developed a specific theoretical interdependence model of the notions of performance, quality, and effectiveness of the executive body of public administration. Based on the inversion analysis of the model, the author identified the problems and defined scientific-methodological and technological objectives. The solution to these issues will improve the performance efficiency of the executive body, the effectiveness, and the quality of its powers. Among the factors affecting the implementation of the public administration body’s powers are the level of normative-legal regulation for the exercise of power, the managerial culture of the head of the public administration body, innovative activities to develop the government body, qualification of civil servants, financial, economic, and logistical support for the exercise of powers.

organizational management system, the executive body of public administration, quality improvement factors in the exercise of authority

March 1, 2022

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