Digital maturity of regional public authorities as a basis for “smart” public administration

Good governance, Journal articles

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Zakharova S.A., Digital maturity of regional public authorities as a basis for “smart” public administration // Public Administration,
2022, №5 (139)
, с. 6-13.


аRussian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-5-6-13

The article considers the term «digital maturity» and reviews the methodology of calculation, indicators, and indices of «digital maturity» defined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Information from the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation on the distribution of regions is presented according to the level of digital maturity. The author considers the extent to which the developed parameters of measuring «digital maturity» coincide with the level of organization of social network interaction between the authorities and the population in the context of the digital society and hybrid social environment formation. How can digital maturity be a criterion for successful public administration in the context of digital transformation? Can the level of digital maturity determine the degree of interaction and formats of dialogue between the authorities and civil society in social networks? The study «Social media as a platform for the interaction of public administration actors: an expert opinion» argues for the author’s reasoning. The author concludes that in the sphere of network communications, the calculation of «digital maturity» should include indicators that reflect the quality of public subject-to-subject managerial interaction between civil society organizations, citizens, and authorities.

digital maturity, public administration, «smart» governance, regional authorities, rating, leaders, «digital maturity» calculation methodology, social network interaction between government and population

December 30, 2021

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