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аUniversity of Economics, Prague
DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2020-22-2-85-91
The article is focused on cultural plurality as one of the essential features of contemporary stage of globalization. It reflects both differences and similarities between European and Russian cultures in the context of global cultural plurality and defines the demands that relate to interdisciplinary research in this area. In the study, the theoretical and methodological principles of research on cultural specificity are considered; the paradigm analysis is applied to study global cultural plurality, the specifics of individual cultures, and their comparison. The article focuses on the cultural determinants of the relationship between Russia and Europe, comparing the cultures of these multinational actors, their cultural forms, characteristics, and value orientations. In the research, we used the works of famous scientists. The sociocultural approach is necessary to study the intercultural relations, which at a fundamental level lead to the organization and functioning of relationships in modern society. Problems in the sociocultural sphere cause difficulties in various spheres of human activity. The close and complicated relationships that have developed over the years are too valuable for both cultural worlds to neglect them in the modern situation, where globalization took one of the essential places. The information, which was obtained in the course of research, is used to justify specific intercultural problems, and helps to apply a deeper approach to concretize the problems. Nowadays, the cultural sphere is closely connected with globalization; it permeates all aspects of human activity. Those controversial issues or problems that will arise between the societies in the modern world cannot be ignored, because it is precisely the thorough study of the basis of these problems that will help us in the future to counteract their adverse consequences for further development of society.
Globalization, Global cultural plurality, European culture, Russian culture, Cultural paradigm analysis, Socio-cultural approach
January 17, 2020
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