Volunteer movement: a multidisciplinary research approach as a condition for increasing the effectiveness of state support

Journal articles, Society

Recommended link to article:
Kaganov V.Sh., Lochan S.A., Petrosyan D.S., Volunteer movement: a multidisciplinary research approach as a condition for increasing the effectiveness of state support // Public Administration,
2022, №6 (140)
, с. 109-114.



аFinancial Literacy Development Association


bInstitute for Regional Economic Research

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-6-109-115

The article addresses topical issues related to improving financial literacy in Russia through volunteer organizations. The systematic approach of the state to volunteer work includes the formulation of the mission, goals, and objectives of volunteer activities; comprehensive assessment, monitoring, and control over volunteer activities; volunteer communications; marketing analysis of the volunteer services market; motivation, training, personal development, consultation and education of volunteers. The article discusses theoretical, conceptual, organizational, and methodological issues of the formation and development of the volunteer movement in financial education using modern digital technologies. In scaling successful financial literacy initiatives and supporting, coordinating, and training financial literacy volunteers, the Financial Literacy Development Association has developed the guidelines for a multidisciplinary research study: «Volunteerism: Theory and Practice». The research findings are addressed to researchers and employees of public administration at all levels of management, engaged in volunteerism development problems, all citizens involved or wishing to participate in volunteer activities, and those who study volunteer activities.

volunteer movement, financial education, Financial Literacy Development Association, educational volunteering

October 31, 2022

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